Chia Seeds VS Flax Seeds Benefits

Chia Seeds VS Flax Seeds Benefits

Learn the health benefits of Flax and Chia Seeds. They are 2 Superfoods. Flax And Chia Seeds find out which is better for your health. There are chia seed benefits and flax seed benefits, but there are some drawbacks too. Everyone says it is expensive to eat right, but that isn’t true. Try these two super foods to get super healthy. Chia and Flax help in Weight Loss and so much more.

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Aronia Berries are the Powerhouse Super Fruit

Aronia Berries

You’ve heard a lot of talk over the past 10 or more years about super berries like Aronia Berry also known as Chokeberry. What does that mean really? Well it primarily refers to the concentration of natural antioxidants in different berries. The higher the antioxidant concentration, the higher the protection of your body. Plants like these Aronia berries develop antioxidants, especially the category called polyphenols to protect their own cells from premature destruction primarily due to exposure to sunlight but also to heat air, moisture… So these substances in plants,…

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Moringa – The Miracle Tree

Moringa tree

Moringa oleifera, also called the “miracle tree”, is the most cultivated plant from Moringaceae family. Moringa tree got this name thanks to its nutritional and medical properties. Primarily it grows in tropical, subtropical and semi-arid climate and it is used in traditional medicine for centuries. Depending on the country where it grows, Moringa has many different names including Horseradish tree, Ben tree, or Drumstick tree. Moringa can be grown easily and it is an important food source in many different countries, such as India and countries in Africa. It is…

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