Moringa – The Miracle Tree

Moringa oleifera, also called the “miracle tree”, is the most cultivated plant from Moringaceae family. Moringa tree got this name thanks to its nutritional and medical properties.

Primarily it grows in tropical, subtropical and semi-arid climate and it is used in traditional medicine for centuries. Depending on the country where it grows, Moringa has many different names including Horseradish tree, Ben tree, or Drumstick tree.

Moringa tree

Moringa can be grown easily and it is an important food source in many different countries, such as India and countries in Africa. It is also used in feeding programs to fight malnutrition.

Miracle tree is full of vitamins and minerals. Moringa is well known as the reach source of vitamins A, B, C, D, E and minerals including potassium, calcium, iron, selenium, and magnesium.

Moringa usage

Maybe the most widely used part of Moringa is its leaves. They are rich in essential amino acids which are not commonly found in plants, and they are extremely rich in proteins. It is great source of good cholesterol which is known to protect against cardiovascular diseases. Moringa leaves can be used fresh or dried at low temperature, and they can also be made into powder.

Moringa roots contain concentrated phytochemical compounds that are found throughout the rest of the plant. Root can provide therapeutic benefits for many conditions. When using roots, caution should be exercised because of the high concentration of some elements, and sometimes it can contain paralyzing agents called spirochin that can be dangers for sensitive individuals, or if taken in larger quantity.

Moringa oleifera flowers are creamy white colour with yellow stems. It blooms from April to September. It is edible, mixed into salads or fried in butter and eaten as a snack. Another way they can be used is to make a delicious tea.

The immature seed pods, called “drumsticks“, are commonly used in traditional cuisine. Moringa pods are often prepared in virtually the same way as beans, and they can be consumed in many different ways, whether they are fried first, or incorporated into sambar or curry dishes. Drumsticks, even when cooked by boiling, remain particularly high in vitamin C.

When it comes to Moringa seeds, they also have a variety of usage. Seeds are edible in both fresh and dry forms. Moringa oil, also known as Ben oil, is cold pressed from seeds. Crushed Moringa seeds are used to clarify and purify water.

For more Moringa benefits and facts visit – moringafacts.net

Categories: Healthy food
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